Something you never want to say
to a recording artist in person :
I'm a BIG FAN of yours . .
I even downloaded all your music files
for FREE off the internet!
To be worked on soon . . .
for now here's a list of some of
The Band Room's
W e b S i t e s
Regine's Picture Page 4 (planning stage)
Joey 'Musical Director' Melotti (planning stage - temp location)
Music Man Patmos Page (waiting for his URL)
Andrea (planning stage - temp location)
The Band Room's Web Page (off-line)
Lea Salonga (finishing)
Isabel Granada's Page (finishing)
Donita Rose Page (finishing)
SwagMan Hotels (1st stage -putting site map together)
Internet Cafe (name withheld pending agreement)
Internet Cafe 2 (name withheld pending agreement)
Angeles Hotel (name withheld pending agreement)
Our name is changing to the 'Music Room' soon.
Shadows of a man
a face through the window
crying in the night
the night turns into
morning . .it's another day
happy people pass my way
looking in their eyes
I see a memory
I never realized
how happy you made me . . .
Shout for joy to the world, all
the earth,
burst into jubilant song with music . .
Psalm 98:4
Midi song playing : " Mandy " by Barry Manilow
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